Professional Insurance Programs

Health Insurance FAQ in regards to COVID-19

Health Insurance FAQ in regards to COVID-19

Is the COVID-19 test covered under my health plan?
COVID-19 testing costs are waived on all policies

If I need to see a doctor for COVID-19, is that covered?
All cost associated with COVID-19 are covered at no cost to the insured.

If a business has to furlough an employee with the intentions of them coming back to work, will they lose their health coverage?
No, the employer continues to pay the health insurance premiums while the employee is furloughed the employee is still considered an “active employee” with continued coverage.

If the employee is permanently laid off, what happens to their health coverage?
If an employee is permanently laid off the employee will have the option of continuing the group coverage.  The premium would be paid entirely by the employee.

  • If the group is under 20 employees there would be State Continuation.
  • If the group is over 20 employees there would be Federal issued COBRA.

If the employee has a spouse with coverage they could go onto their spouse’s coverage.

The employee could apply for an individual policy on or off of the Market Place Exchange.

How is medical coverage affected if the hours worked goes below the minimum required?
Carriers have waived the required number of hours worked to be eligible for coverage. If hours have been reduced under the required 30 hours the employee will still be able to maintain their medical coverage as long as they are still considered an active employee.

If my spouse lost their coverage, are they able to join my employers sponsored coverage?
Yes, there is a Special Enrollment Period for anyone that has lost coverage that will enable a spouse to join their spouse’s coverage if they have lost their coverage.

If an employee initially waived group coverage, can they join the group coverage outside of the group annual open enrollment?
If an employee initially waived health insurance coverage and needs to be added to the group plan this will be allowed as there is a Special Enrollment Period during this pandemic. They will not have to wait until the annual open enrollment period.

What if the employer can’t pay their premium, is there an extension?
If an employer or individual cannot pay their premium due to financial hardship they should contact their carrier as soon as possible to request an extension; most carriers will allow.

Is virtual visits (Teledoc) still available, what is the cost for that?
Virtual visits (Teledoc) are available and encouraged.  The fees for this service have been waived during this time. If you need immediate emergency assistance please dial 911.


Please note that this is for informational purposes only and not a guarantee of benefits. Professional Insurance Programs benefits team continues to be available to assist you at this time and can be reached at 800-637-4676. You may also contact your health insurance carrier directly.

WPS: 800-332-6451

Arise: 800-332-6285

United Health Care: 888-842-4571

Anthem: 800-490-6201 Traditional plans
888-224-4902 Lumenos HSA

Quartz: 800-362-3310