Professional Insurance Programs

Good student discounts can reduce your auto insurance premiums

It’s that time of year … kids are back in school! It’s the perfect time to review the correct status of your youthful drivers with your insurance agent.

It’s very important to update your insurance agent each year on the changing status of your children: Are they back to college? Do they have a vehicle? Will the vehicle be garaged? Are they eligible for good student discounts?

Auto insurance premiums for youthful drivers, especially if you have more than one, can be costly for parents. Statistics show, however, that students with good grades are less likely to have accidents and are safer drivers overall. That’s why insurance carriers offer a variety of student discounts based on their grades and location.

A good student discount can be applied to children who reside at home and attend a local school. They must have 3.0 or higher grade point average (GPA).

Children who go away to college and take a vehicle with them can also be eligible for this discount based on their grades. It’s important, however, to let your insurance company know where the child will have the vehicle. In most cases, other rating considerations will apply based on where it will be garaged. There may also be a coverage issue if the car is driven/garaged in another state.

A resident student discount can be applied to children who are still considered residents of the parents’ household, but are attending college full-time more than 100 miles from home and have NO vehicle with them. This discount can be substantial! The rating takes into account that the student will be driving infrequently while at home on breaks or for the summer, yet is covered year-round as a rated driver.

Some carriers offer a graduate student discount. This is for children ages 21-24 who’ve graduated and are done with college with a cumulative 3.0 or higher GPA. It’s like an extended good student discount until they get to the adult rating class at age 25. Parents often overlook this discount because they believe that once the child graduates, the discounts end. This can save HUNDREDS of dollars each year in auto insurance premiums so be sure to discuss it with your agent!

Always maximize the auto insurance discounts for which your family is eligible. Talk to your agent about your child’s changing student and vehicle status. These discounts, coupled with driving safely and remaining claim and violation free, all help your overall insurance savings!

To review your policy and identify potential savings with your student driver, contact Professional Insurance Programs at 800-637-4676 or email


Source: West Bend Mutual Insurance Company