Professional Insurance Programs

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: Through the Eyes of a Tech Provider.

A core component of our mission at Professional Insurance Programs is to continue to share information and experiences relevant to the dental community whether in person or virtually, which is why we teamed up with N-Tech Consulting to put together an informative webinar to help answer the cyber security questions we have received from many of our dental clients. With the cyber security topic at an all-time high, we were being asked what dental practices should be cautious of, aware of and on the lookout for when it comes to computers and cyber activity. We also were asked how cyber insurance plays a factor in protection. Tony Larsen, CEO of N-Tech Consulting and Jeremy Hengst, Digital Solutions/Risk Advisor of Professional Insurance programs took time to address these concerns in the webinar titled You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: Through the Eyes of a Tech Provider.

The webinar highlights:

  • What to look out for, what to be aware of
  • What a tech provider sees during an assessment, a walkthrough of the task
  • Examples of what tech providers have seen/case studies
  • Cyber insurance

We encourage you to watch and become aware of the risks that are out there and how you can protect yourself and your practice.


For more information about technology needs for your dental practice, please reach out to us. We can be reached at 800-637-4676 or