Today, Professional Liability Insurance is a necessity. You may think general liability coverage is enough but with the economy’s ruthless drive for financial stability, lawsuits can emerge out of just a tiny needle prick. Even in the most experienced offices, mistakes do happen!
Professional Liability Insurance covers more sticky situations than any general liability plan. Professional Liability tends to be geared more towards internal employee error. Any error made by you or your employees runs the risk of growing into a massive lawsuit. If your employee accidentally thought a product was delivered and treated the sales as revenue too early, you don’t want to be sued! Charges can range from employment-related incidents to employee-theft and poor administrative decisions. You and your company can be blamed for any of these circumstances by employees, patients and even suppliers.
All accounting firms use technology for day-to-day functions such as data record keeping or transferring client financial files. When you obtain this customer information, your employees are responsible for it. Don’t let the customer’s finger be pointed at you, understand the importance of Professional Liability Insurance. For more information, watch this educational tutorial.
These seemingly-minor situations are common but they can be catastrophic to a businesses’ financial security. Professional Insurance Programs represents Hartford Financial Services Group who has had 25+ years of experience dealing with complex patient and employee claims. Hartford prides itself on flexible plans that can be tailored to your office’s specific needs. Allow us to help you protect what matters most, call Professional Insurance Programs today at (414) 277.0154.