Professional Insurance Programs

Former Professional Liability partner sues WDA Insurance agency

As you know, the WDA is a non-profit, professional association. One of the benefits of WDA membership is access to professional liability insurance, with a plan endorsed by the WDA. We wanted to tell you of changes to WDA’s endorsed plan and a lawsuit filed by a plan we have cut ties with that will impact WDA’s revenue. We extend thanks to all who have already transitioned their coverage and strongly encourage those with upcoming renewals to transition to the WDA endorsed plan with Medical Protective and West Bend Mutual.

In October of 2015, the WDA House of Delegates voted unanimously to terminate the WDA contract and endorsement of the Professional Protector Plan® through Brown & Brown Insurance based in Tampa, FL and underwritten by CNA insurance company. The WDA Insurance & Services Corp. (WDAISC) contract with Brown & Brown Insurance required a 90 day notice of termination. WDAISC gave this notice and the contract terminated effective on January 14, 2016. The WDA owned agency, Professional Insurance Programs, however remains the servicing agent of record until each policy renewal date.

In February of 2016, Brown & Brown Insurance contracted with R&R Insurance to sell its Professional Protector Plan.® You may have received solicitations and communications from R&R Insurance asking you to renew your coverage. To set the record straight, CNA, Brown & Brown and R&R Insurance are not affiliated with or endorsed by WDA.

In March of 2016, Brown & Brown Protector Plans, Inc., filed a lawsuit against the WDAISC. This lawsuit directly impacts your association and its non-dues revenue. We do not believe that Brown & Brown’s suit has merit. We are confident we will prevail, however the WDAISC is now diverting resources to defending litigation. The result is likely to be decreased contributions from the WDAISC to the WDA for support of its programs and services.

We again extend thanks to all who have transitioned their coverage already and strongly encourage those with upcoming renewals to transition to the new WDA endorsed plan with Medical Protective and West Bend Mutual.The WDA is your professional association.Transitioning your insurance to the WDA endorsed partners upon renewal will help the WDA further its mission.

Please contact Mara Roberts, WDAISC President, at 414-755-4170 with any questions.

Dr. Jeffrey Kraig                     Dr. John R. Moser               Mara T. Roberts
WDAISC Board Chair             WDA Treasurer                  WDAISC President