Professional Insurance Programs

Auto Insurance Discounts for Students

Teens pay a higher auto insurance rate because of that age group’s accident statistics. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration studies show that on average, drivers under age 20 have more accidents, drive faster and are more prone to distractions than older drivers. However, several factors can help younger drivers reduce their rates, including being a good student.

Good Student Discount

Students who work hard to get good grades can earn a good student discount on car insurance. A good student discount is an added bonus for working hard on school work, because insurance companies have determined good students are also good drivers. Guidelines for getting the good student discount are not always clear cut across all carriers, so be sure to check with your agent. Many insurance carries use these guidelines:

  • Licensed driver age 16 to 24
  • Must have a 3.0 or higher grade point average
  • Student attending high school full time or college student with 12 credit hours or more

Resident Student Discount

The resident student discount is a discount specifically for students away at school without a car, 100 or more road miles away from home. A student away at college should still be listed on a parent’s policy because it is likely for a student to drive when visiting home or to borrow a vehicle from time to time.

For more information on auto insurance discounts for students or to have a policy review contact us today at 800-637-4676 or email