Professional Insurance Programs

Group Office Overhead Coverage for WDA Members

You have insurance that pays your medical bills if you get sick, insurance that pays your salary if you are injured, insurance that replaces your items if they are lost..but what will keep your business running if you are sick or injured?

There is a way to ensure all of your fixed on-going monthly expenses are paid if you are unable to work as the result of an accident or illness.

Group Office Overhead provides WDA members with insurance coverage if they are unable to work due to a disability after an accident or illness. The coverage covers expenses such as employee salaries, rents, dues, taxes, insurance premiums, utilities and phone bills.

The coverage works like a disability policy for your office. It will begin after a 7-day waiting period, and then on the 8th day of your absence coverage will begin to pay an average of your business expenses from the six months prior to the date of your disability.

Benefits are available in increments of $100 up to a maximum of $6,000 and can be paid until the end of your disability or up to a maximum of 23 months. While you are receiving your funds you are not required to pay premium.

Premiums are extremely affordable and often mean the difference between spending a few extra dollars a month or spending thousands at the time of an accident or illness. Please contact our Benefits Division if you want to learn more about this coverage.

We look forward to serving your insurance needs!